🌱 Fun Fact Friday! 🌱
Rose 🌹:
• Rose fruit = Rose hips
• Rose hips extreme ⬆️ high levels of vitamins
• Freah rose hips help body absorb vitamins & minerals easier
• Rose hip syrup is nourishing and gentle for diarrhea
• Rose petals and rose essential oil is mildly sedative 💤, antidepressant 😃 and anti-inflammatory
• Chinese Herbal Medicine uses flower tea to regulate vital energy & promote blood 🩸 circulation ⭕️
• Also used for stomachaches, liver pains, mastitis, dysentery
• High ⬆️ in Vitamin C & strong antioxidant activity
• Is an aphrodisiac 🍑💦🍆 used since ancient times by reducing the anxiety associated with sex - helps calm nerves that block arousal.

✅ Check out our page for more information ℹ️ each Friday for 🌱 Fun Fact Friday!! 🌱
Carolina Holistic Farm
“Growing Natural Herbs for Natural Lives”
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** This Facebook page is ONLY an informative source for herbal knowledge. Please consult a physician or other certified health professional regarding health problems.**